
Hello There πŸ‘‹ I'm KΓ©vin 🐺

πŸ“š My GitHub Stats

More About Me 🐺

πŸ”­ Current Project

🎁 Projects πŸ“‹ Description πŸ“ˆ Status ⚑ Type of Project
Peel - Dating App (React-Native) Peel is an innovative photo-free dating app, inspired by Tinder in its operation but not relying on the promotion of physical appearance to bring users together. 🚧 In Progres Team Project
Peel - RestFull API on EC2 (Express) Peel API is a RESTfull API in Express.js and deploy on Aws EC2, that allows users of our mobile application (PEEL) to meet people without going through their physical appearance. 🚧 In Progres Team Project
Learning_architecture_web Master 1 web development course project : Learn web architecture through the evolution from monolithic to microservices using Go, Vue.js, PostgreSQL, Gin, Fastify, and Docker. 🚧 In Progres Solo Project
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🌱 Currently learning

🌐 Web Development

Vue GO TypeScript Apollo GraphQL Tailwind Jest Prisma Sequelize Swagger

☁️ DevOps & Cloud Computing

Google Cloud Microsoft Azure Vercel Jira Redis

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πŸ› οΈ Skills & Tools

🌐 Web Development

TypeScript React Next.js Vue Nuxt.js Express.JS Fastify.JS Node.js JavaScript HTML5 CSS3

πŸ“‹ Application Development

GO Python

πŸ“± Mobile Development


☁️ DevOps & Cloud Computing

Azure DevOps Github actions Amazon AWS Docker Nginx

πŸ’Ύ Databases

MongoDB PostgreSQL PostgreSQL

πŸ•“ Version Control

Git Azure DevOps Github Github Lab

πŸ“š Others Things

Jest npm yarn Postman Figma Markdown Styled Components Visual Studio Code Android Studio IntelliJ NotePad++ Windows Ubuntu Notion Sonnarlint Prettier EsLint Babel Netlify Shell Script Styled Components

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πŸ“« How to reach me

LinkedIn GitHub Outlook

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### ⚑ One More Thing - If you want to play an old `Tetris Game` from your browser during your breaks, visit my very first `Javascript` game (1st year Bachelor project)

- Or if you want to play another `Retro Game`, visit my very first game in `Python` (2nd year Bachelor project)

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This README file is deploy with GITHUB Pages!</br>Last Update: 04/02/2024
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